Mobile Phones
Only Children in Year 5 and 6 who are coming to school AND/OR walking home on their own, MAY bring their mobile to school. However, they MUST adhere to the strict guidance below OR they will lose this privilege either for a set period of time or permanently as decided by the Headmaster.
- The phone must be handed in to the office at the beginning of the school day and collected at the end of the school day.
- The phone MUST be off at all times.
- The school will take no responsibility whatsoever for lost, stolen or damaged phones.
If a phone is seen or heard by a member of staff, they may confiscate it and will only return it to a parent/ carer/ guardian.
If it becomes evident that a child is using or has used a mobile phone in school – either as a means of communication OR as a camera – they will no longer be allowed to bring their phone in to school.
Any child, in any other year group, must not have a phone.