British Values

Vision Statement

Our aim at Ben Rhydding Primary School, is to create an environment where children can excel in their learning, contribute to their community and become independent and empathetic young people. We want our school culture to be underpinned by caring relationships between staff, pupils and parents; working in partnership to build our learning community. The vision for our school is to develop a curriculum which is both challenging and inclusive, that promotes deep thinking yet supports all learners to succeed. We aim to build an environment where everyone’s learning, from pupils to teachers, is valued and where we take time to reflect, evaluate and celebrate what we do.

British Values Statement

Our school reflects British values in all that we do.  We aim to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the world. We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world.

At Ben Rhydding Primary School we actively promote British values in the following ways:


  • All children are encouraged to debate topics of interest, express their views and make a meaningful contribution to the running of the school on matters that directly involve pupils.  Children also have the opportunity to have their voices heard through pupil questionnaires and pupil surveys.
  • The principle of democracy is explored in the curriculum as well as during assemblies and special days.
  • Our school behaviour policy involves rewards which the pupils have discussed.

Rule of Law

  • Our school follows ‘Core Rules’, which are integral to our learning and ethos every day.
  • School rules and expectations are clear, fair and regularly promoted.
  • Pupils are always helped to distinguish right from wrong, in the classroom, during assemblies and on the playground.
  • Pupils are encouraged to respect the law and Ben Rhydding Primary School enjoys visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service, Ambulance, etc. to help reinforce this message
  • The Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies set out a zero tolerance baseline for any form of aggression, abuse or violence, which extends to pupils, staff and parents and carers.

Individual Liberty

  • Within school, pupils are actively encouraged, and given the freedom to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. eg. by signing up for extra-curricular clubs.
  • Pupils are supported to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and our pastoral support reinforces the importance of making the right choices.
  • Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our e-safety teaching and PSHE lessons.
  • Vulnerable pupils are protected and stereotypes challenged.  A strong anti-bullying culture is embedded in the school and any form of bullying is challenged and addressed The school also operates a robust system of logging incidents.
  • Pupils have key roles and responsibilities in school e.g. Year 6 extra responsibilities, Playground Buddies, Reception Buddies, School Councillors.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

  • Respect is one of the core values of our school.  The pupils know and understand that it is expected that respect is shown to everyone, adults and children.
  • Pupils are helped to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
  • Staff and pupils are encouraged to challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
  • Links and visits are promoted with local faith communities and places of worship. E.g. Members of different faiths or religions are invited to school to share their knowledge and enhance learning within assemblies and in class.
  • Through the PSHE and RE curriculums pupils are encouraged to discuss and respect differences between people, such as differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences of family situations.
  • Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudiced-based bullying have been followed and supported by learning in RE and PSHE.
  • We offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions are studied and respected and global dimension work embedded in many of our Curriculum topics.  These curriculum topics offer children the chance to reflect on our core values and British values.

Our Commitment to the Prevent Strategy

Ben Rhydding is committed to and aware of our responsibilities towards the government’s PREVENT AGENDA as part of our ongoing work regarding Safeguarding and Child Protection.  All staff have received ‘Prevent’ training and understand about and how to deal with any anti-extremism/radicalisation issues they may see inside or outside school.

Please click here for a link to the official government document. A website for useful resources for parents, staff and leaders can be found here.