Parental Involvement & Support

The Parental Support Worker for school is Mrs Kally Wigglesworth.
We are here to give emotional and practical support to families with either long or short term difficulties. These can include the following or any other matters you would like to discuss:
· Adolescence and puberty
· Behaviour challenges
· Bereavement
· E-safety
· Financial worries
· Health
· Illness
· Nutrition
· Parenting skills
· Relationships and friendships
· Road Safety
· Separation and divorce
We see parents on a one to one basis (with or without their children) to help with specific needs. We also offer group sessions throughout the year on a range of topics. Check the school website and/or newsletters for details.
Arranging book fairs, coffee mornings, training sessions etc. are also part of our role, therefore, should you have any suggestions about what you might like us to arrange or any training sessions you would like to see us hold then please let us know.
Please feel free to approach us anytime whilst we are in school or you can email.
Useful Contacts
If you would like to become involved please contact the school office or your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
School Office
Tel: 01943 431133
Web :
The office is staffed Monday to Friday 08.30am – 15.30pm.