
Welcome to Reception

On this page you will find lots of information about our learning, dates for diaries, useful websites and resources.

Below is a summary of the learning which has taken place in the classroom this week.

This week the children have been learning about the Polar Regions with a focus on the Arctic. They have been learning about what the environment look likes and the animals that live there. The children have been watching some film clips of these animals in the Arctic. They have also been making colleges of the polar regions.  

The children have been sharing a favourite holiday memory or place with the class. 


There are five learning heroes; Reggie Relationship, Rosie Ready, Richard Resilient, Ronnie Resourceful and Rachel Reflective. They all have their own special learning powers, which the children will be learning all about. 

Our Learning Hero focus will be based on Richard Resilient’s learning powers, which include ignoring distractions, setting targets, breaking down barriers to learning and being resilient, so we will be focusing on these skills.

Circle Time

The children have been talking about what they did at the weekend. 


The children have been revisiting the previous learned sounds – s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz and qu. 

Learning the new sounds – sh (shark), ch (chair), and th (thumb and feather) 

They have been learning that a digraph is two sounds that go together to make one sound. 

The children have been blending and reading cvc words (e.g. sat) containing new and previous learnt sounds. 

Reading and writing the common exception words (tricky words – these are words that the children can not sound out as they do not have the phonic or spelling knowledge yet).

  • I, the, to, go, no, into, he, she, me, we, be, they and was.


The children have been practicing their letter formation.  

Shared Reading

Sharing the Big Book – n/a

Reading the comic – n/a

Listening to stories about with animals from the Arctic in them, including; ‘Snow Bear and the Snow Cloud’, ‘The Littlest Bear’, ‘Snow Bear’s Surprise’ and ‘Two Little Bears’.  


Completing our daily attendance chart, calendar and weather diary. 

Counting to 60 and back from 12.

Recalling the number bonds to 5. 

The children have also been comparing numbers using the vocabulary greater than, more than, less than and fewer than. 

The children have been learning about number 6. They have been using the part whole models to learn the number bonds to 6. The children have also been practicing writing the numerals 1 to 6. 

Revisiting 2D shapes and learning about the hexagon. 


Using the apparatus.  

Music, songs and rhymes

Singing the ‘Hello Reception, how are you?’ song.

The children have been learning a rhyme about 5 little polar bears. 


The children have access to a wide range of provision (indoors and outdoors) throughout the day where they can develop their own learning and interests, problem solve and work together.

Dates for diaries

Stay and Play dates – 9am to 10:00 am

Tuesday 28th January

Thursday 13th February

Monday 3rd March

Friday 21st March

Thursday 1st May

Tuesday 13th May

Monday 9th June

Friday 27th June

Show and Tell Rota

House Aire – Friday 10th January

House Nidd – Friday 17th January

House Swale – Friday 24th January

House Wharfe – Friday 31st January

Useful websites