Holiday Hunger Programme
What is happening?
The government has provided a Winter Grant to Bradford Council. We have allocated some of this funding as grants to the Voluntary Sector to provide food for children and families experiencing food deprivation. This will ensure enhanced food provision for the Christmas and February Holiday periods
When is this happening?
The December Holiday Hunger Programme runs from 19th December 2020 to 3rd Jan 2021
How will these voluntary sector organisations support families?
There are 55 voluntary sector organisations that have been successful in their grant application. Many of whom provided holiday hunger support during the summer holiday and October half term.
The intention of providing these organisations with funding is to add an extra layer of support across the district. These organisations are supplementary to other established organisations including Food banks
There will inevitably be gaps in provision. However, as a council, we are continuously working with the voluntary sector to establish how we can increase coverage into next year.
In addition, we would encourage you to advise families of the support that can be accessed via