Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR)
School’s Income, Expenditure and Balances
Please follow the link to the DfE’s national school’s benchmarking website. Here you can view the school’s income, expenditure and balances as well as compare these with other maintained schools and academies. The information on the website is updated annually by the DfE using the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statements that are submitted by the school to the DfE in summer term.
Begin by entering the name of the school and then follow the options for creating a comparision.
Reporting Salaries of High Paid Staff
All local authority maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k a year. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.
At 23 September 2020 no staff at the school earn more than £100k a year.
Click here for download version
Young Voices 2020
Registration Currently Closed
Every year we are proud to take our children to Young Voices at Sheffield Arena.
It is a life changing experience and not one to be missed. Just take a look at the videos from last year!!
£10 PAYG or £7.50 for a block of sessions
Contact Tel: 07966 572611
ben rhydding pilates poster (2)We cascade school communications through school ping. Please download this app on to your smart phone.
the-benefits-of-using-SchoolPingWe use School Ping for all parent communication.
the-benefits-of-using-SchoolPingClick here to download the School Ping app
Tuesday is singing assembly every week at school and the kids absolutely love it.
To celebrate its success we are inviting children to participate in Rock Star Day on Friday 15th February 2019.
We would like to point out that we will need you to dress accordingly……. LIKE A ROCK STAR!!!
Wigs, fake tattoos, crazy hair are encouraged, as are jeans, ripped t-shirts, cool shades etc
We want to turn our singing assembly in to a ‘mini gig’ for the children.
If you would like to participate in Rock Star Day we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £1 to go towards our school fundraising project.
Please don’t forget that we have our very own summer holiday club. You can find further details by clicking here: