Year 2
Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and would like to thank you for our generous gifts.
Learning Challenge Curriculum
What was Ben Rhydding Primary like in the past?
This term, Year 1 and 2 will be asked:
- How has the building changed over the years?
- What would it have been like to come to school here a long time ago?
- How can we look for significant historical facts in our local area?
We will be working towards a ‘Living Museum’ project where we can present our learning to parents and the rest of the school. More information will be sent out about this at a later date.
What is the school made of?
This half term we will be learning about the uses of everyday materials. The children will be asked:
- Can you identify and compare everyday materials?
- Why are certain materials useful?
- Can we change the shape of certain materials?
Our P.E days are Monday and Thursday so please ensure your child has their kit in school on these days. Weather permitting, some of our sessions will be outside so please ensure your child has both an indoor and outdoor kit with them (joggers/leggings) as well as a pair of trainers.
Weekly maths tasks are sent out on a Friday and are due in the following Wednesday.
Weekly spellings are sent home on a Friday and will be checked on a Thursday.
Book exchange takes place on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure book bags are in school on these days and that a comment has been written in the reading records to show your child has read.
It is really important that your child reads aloud to an adult at home and that they are then asked questions about what they have read so their understanding is being checked. The checkers are fast approaching and this will really help boost their comprehension skills. I will email out some example questions.
Water bottles
Please ensure your child brings a filled water bottle with them to school every day. This should be one that stays in the classroom for the day and not one from their packed lunch.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely,
The Year 2 Team
Miss Kelly and Mrs Armitage
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 17th January: Walk around Ilkley
Friday 9th February: School closes
Monday 19th February: School opens