Music at Ben Rhydding


We strive to inspire children’s creativity through music and intend to make it an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical encounters and gain a firm understanding of the curriculum through listening, singing, playing, analysing, evaluating, improvising and composing. We aim to build the children’s confidence and give them opportunities to express themselves. Children learn to become flexible selves, understanding that the creative process is just as important as the finished performance and we ensure there are real life purposes to provide motivation.


Music is taught by class teachers and HLTAs. We currently deliver the music curriculum from Out of the Ark’s scheme Sparkyard. Throughout their time at Ben Rhydding, the children will learn how to express their feelings and opinions on a variety of styles of music across history and learn how to analyse music using subject specific vocabulary. They will access a range of tuned and untuned instruments and in Key Stage 2, they’ll learn how to play these using musical notation. As they progress through school, they will use the skills they have acquired to improvise and compose their own music. Whole class recorder lessons are taught in the summer term of Year 3.

Children are encouraged to reflect on their learning and self-assess their progress through music journals. Throughout the year, each class will have a real purpose to work towards to inspire and encourage musical expression; this may involve peers, parents/carers or the wider community.

Years 1-6 participate in a singing assembly led by teachers every week; we use this time to prepare for whole school celebration events including Harvest, Christmas and Easter. We annually participate in the Young Voices concert, where the children have the opportunity to perform with other schools and guest artists in an arena; we hold a weekly KS2 extra-curricular club to prepare for this event. Many of our children participate in private individual instrument lessons during lunch times or after school; these are provided through either the Bradford Music and Arts Service or Learn to Rock.


Throughout their time at Ben Rhydding, we encourage children to enjoy music. We embed knowledge and vocabulary so children can articulate their opinions and ideas confidently. We build on the children’s self-assurance so they are confident to use the knowledge they’ve acquired to create a range of musical performances. Music allows the children to access fundamental abilities such as achievement, self-confidence, interaction, collaboration and self-reflection as well as developing an understanding of history and culture.

We use music to create links between our school, the parents and our local community and ensure the children can see that music can produce happiness in others.

Supporting SEND

Strategies our staff have in place to support our SEN children include:

  • allowing children to sit where they are most comfortable in the room
  • having access to ear defenders
  • allowing children to have some time out from the classroom of they need to self-regulate
  • giving the children the opportunity to opt out of performing to others if they feel anxious
  • allowing children to let out their impulsiveness when handling unfamiliar instruments before having to use it in a specific way

What pupils say…

Child A enjoyed composing for a real purpose, for example in Y4 when they wrote antibullying raps and filmed them using the green screen app. They also enjoyed whole class ukulele lessons as well as learning to play the recorder in Y2.

Child B was very confident and articulate when discussing learning. They defined the word improvisation as well as other subject specific vocabulary. They enjoyed singing assembly and had fun composing a song during our Special Events week.