Computing at Ben Rhydding
The use of Computing is an integral part of the National Curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. At Ben Rhydding Primary, we intend for each child a range of software on iPads to provide them with the skills they need to be competent users of ICT and to understand the processes and logic of computer science. Children also understand how to be responsible digital citizens.
Children in Year One through to Year Six have an hour session of Computing per week. The sessions are taught using a scheme of work from Purple Mash. The scheme of work covers all areas of the Key Stage One and Two curriculum and covers objectives in these three main areas:
- Computer Science
- Digital Literacy including e-safety
- Information Technology
Children all have a digital diary. At the end of each session children are asked to evaluate what they have learnt in the session and reflect on the progress they have made to reaching this objective.
Children in all year groups are taught about online safety and digital responsibility at a level appropriate for their age. This teaches children dangers that may occur when using online technologies, how to deal with problems that arise and how children should act when they are using online resources.
The use of a range of software and apps is also encouraged to engage children across the curriculum. For example, the use of a green screen has been used to create videos about Brazil, Adobe Spark Video has been used to create presentations in History and Chatterpix has been used to enhance English lessons.
Computing gives children the digital skills they need to participate in a global world increasingly reliant upon technology. Through computing children can problem solve, think logically through a problem, have opportunities to evaluate their own work and develop the confidence to improve them. It makes them responsible digital citizens.
Supporting SEND
Children with SEND are supported in Computing through careful planning and resourcing. Children with communication and language barriers are supported through the explicit teaching of subject specific vocabulary, through the use of task cards to help when carrying out investigations and through careful consideration of pairings and groupings.
What pupils think….
Child A explained he had been learning about timer and repeat and in Year 1 he had been learning free code chimp and in Year 2 more coding commands. He enjoyed using iPad apps in subjects like topic and particularly enjoyed in using Adobe Spark to create videos in Y2. The digital diaries were useful because he reflected back on his work
Child B described some computing key vocabulary (debug, algorithm etc) and had a good understanding on how to stay safe online . He enjoyed Computing lessons. He could tell us about digital diaries and their purpose.